Monday, July 16, 2012

Two Week Wait

No, not THAT two week wait.  Hell no, in fact.  It's officially been two weeks since I started low carbing, at this point of my diet, I could move on to adding some new things into my diet and see how my body handles them (berries, for example), but I think I'm going to stick with induction for a bit longer.  I have so much to lose, so I'm not in any rush to add things into my diet that may affect how I'm losing.

Anyway, the real reason I'm updating is because I told you I would update you on my two week weight loss results.  As of today, I'm down 8.4 pounds!  Not too bad for two weeks, I don't think.  Cravings are gone.  I hardly have a desire to eat, let alone grab a bag of chips or a cookie (who am I kidding, I would eat multiple cookies without a second thought before).  I feel a lot better, and I'm thinking my overall feeling of wellness will only continue to improve as I stick with this way of eating.

I'm excited to see where this journey leads me.  I'm hoping to get back down to my pre-pregnancy weight to begin with (another twenty pounds or so to go [yes, I gained a lot with my pregnancy, and afterward]).  Then, after that, pre-wedding weight.  Then, my final goal.  It's going to be a long journey.  Very long.  Here's hoping for a smooth ride.


  1. I wish I had your discipline. I’ve sucked at I have EVER tried. I have awful genes and no motivation, disciple or will power. Not a good mix! Keep it up! I’ve never tried this low carb diet, maybe I should?!

  2. My problem is that this discipline typically doesn't last. I'm trying to keep with it this time. I have a lot of weight to lose and my child isn't getting younger. Soon enough he'll want me to play with him and with so much excess weight, it just seems that I'll be dragging. That and being my cousin's maid of honor in May is coming soon enough. I don't want to be the fat bridesmaid!

    I think low cab is definitely worth a shot, but I don't necessarily think it's for everyone. I know a lot of people can't do it, but the food you eat IS good and the cravings go away. I think people just have a hard time getting over the first week. The first week truly is the hardest!
