Monday, July 23, 2012

Decimals and fractions on scales, oh my!

Mere ounces.  That's all that I lost this week.  I know that I should be happy the scales are at least moving in the right direction, but somehow seeing less than a 1-pound loss makes me a bit annoyed.  Seriously, I gave up SUGAR for that?  But, I digress.  I will not be cheating or otherwise "falling off the wagon".  No, I will persevere.  In the words of one Ms. Gloria Gaynor, I will survive.

I was thinking about my barely there weight loss this week.  Isn't week three the infamous week on my once favorite TV show, The Biggest Loser?  Yes, I think it is.  I'm pretty sure it's the week where people stop losing twenty-pounds per week and lose a mere five or so.  Maybe THAT's my problem!  Maybe I've hit that week three slump.  My body is obviously overwhelmed with the MASSIVE amount of weight I've lost to date (you know, a whole 8.9 pounds).  That has to be it.  No more speculation, please, I've found the source of my body's suckiness. 

Onward and up downward (weight-wise, of course) to week four!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Horse pills.

I am, and always have been, the absolute worst at taking vitamins.  No matter what I did, forgetting them seemed to be the game I was best at playing.  They could literally be sitting right on my counter and I somehow glanced past them.  Obviously they were just part of the clutter that always accumulates on my counter tops.  No way was it important.  No way.

So, last night, after returning some stuff to Home Goods (man, I love Home Goods), I stopped at GNC.  I traipsed on over to the weight loss section and had approximately 2.2 seconds before the associate was asking if I needed some help.  I explained to her that I was low carb dieting, so my appetite was practically non-existent as it was, and I was looking for something that would be a good supplement to my diet and perhaps aid me in losing this pesky pudge. 

She acted clueless.  Asking me specifically what I was looking for, you know, after I just told her what I was looking for.  No bigs.  I told her again.  She recommended some GNC super Vitapak thing for me.  Fifty dollars.  FIFTY.  Yikes, that I hadn't planned on.  But, it's my health.  It's worth it.  Right?  We'll see.  Fifty damn dollars.  I like that she highlighted my "savings" on the receipt, too.  No, crazy lady.  I didn't save shit, you gave me free samples.  Give me a break.

So, here are my horse pills.  There are seven.  Yes, seven, in this little packet.  I have no issues poppin' pills (does that sound bad?), so I don't mind that there are so many.  I just hope they actually help with something.  Otherwise, ingesting all of these seems highly unnecessary and will prove to be terrible for the health of my bank account.  Nevermind my health.  Shoot.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Two Week Wait

No, not THAT two week wait.  Hell no, in fact.  It's officially been two weeks since I started low carbing, at this point of my diet, I could move on to adding some new things into my diet and see how my body handles them (berries, for example), but I think I'm going to stick with induction for a bit longer.  I have so much to lose, so I'm not in any rush to add things into my diet that may affect how I'm losing.

Anyway, the real reason I'm updating is because I told you I would update you on my two week weight loss results.  As of today, I'm down 8.4 pounds!  Not too bad for two weeks, I don't think.  Cravings are gone.  I hardly have a desire to eat, let alone grab a bag of chips or a cookie (who am I kidding, I would eat multiple cookies without a second thought before).  I feel a lot better, and I'm thinking my overall feeling of wellness will only continue to improve as I stick with this way of eating.

I'm excited to see where this journey leads me.  I'm hoping to get back down to my pre-pregnancy weight to begin with (another twenty pounds or so to go [yes, I gained a lot with my pregnancy, and afterward]).  Then, after that, pre-wedding weight.  Then, my final goal.  It's going to be a long journey.  Very long.  Here's hoping for a smooth ride.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Titles are Lame

It's been a few days since my last update.  I've been following the program, no matter the obstacles that pop up in front of me.  Hurdles, if you will.  Hurdles such as having a slight gain, no matter my faithfulness to low-carbing, receiving my "monthly gift" (you know you wanted to know that) and doing a test batch of cupcakes for my son's birthday party.  I stuck with it through it all.  That feels good to type.

So, like I just wrote, I made a test batch of cupcakes for my son's birthday party.  I'm going to use a boxed mix, so it's nothing terrible intricate, but I did alter the recipe based on something I saw on, where else, but Pinterest.  I made the cupcakes richer and, judging by my husband's indulgence of seven of the cupcakes, all-around better tasting.  I made these cupcakes, and frosted them with store bought cream cheese frosting without having one taste.  No licks of the spoon, no bites of random crumbs.  Nothing.  There are still eleven cupcakes sitting on my counter.  I don't plan on touching a single one.

Also, referencing the aforementioned topic of my slight weight gain.  It's true.  My weight inched up by a bit over a pound this past week.  I have to relate it to my menstrual cycle.  Nothing else makes sense.  I kept with the program, though, and this morning I've lost that weight that I gained, plus an additional nearly two pounds.  I say nearly because it's more like 1.8lbs.  Close enough.

I'll report back on Monday for the final tally of my two week induction weight loss!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Pinteresting Pipe Dreams

I have a board on Pinterest devoted, solely, to outfits that I would love to own, and to rock, someday.  There are a plethora of styles; dresses, skinny jeans, hell even shorts.  None of these outfits are anything that I could wear now and feel comfortable with.  No one wants to see a jiggly mess as I strut myself around in skimpy shorts (trust me). 

So, I have this board and it's titled, "If I were Skinny, I'd Dress Nicely".  Pretty straightforward, I think.  Obviously they're clothes that I couldn't possible wear right now.  But, man, do I want to be able to shop with that kind of ease and with those kinds of clothes in my grasp.  Instead, I'm concerned with finding clothes that minimize my stomach and contain my monster thighs.  Don't even get me started on my arms. 

Am I the only one who does this?  Who creates things such as dream boards?  I'm afraid I'm just disappointing myself with unattainable goals.  But maybe, just maybe, I'll be able to rock this one day:

Until then, I'll keep pinning and special ordering my jeans from Alloy (yay for extended sizes!)

Monday, July 9, 2012

One week down...

I've done it!  I made it a week without faltering.  A week of no bread or pasta.  A week of no cereal, ice cream or candy.  I did it.  And man am I sick of eggs at this point.  I need to start switching up my breakfasts before I do falter.  My omelet I just had?  Yeah, I feel slightly nauseous.

Anyways, like I said, I made it a week.  In that week, I lost 5.6 pounds!  That's a good week, if you ask me.  I no longer have the flu-like symptoms that I had when I posted last, but my mouth still constantly tastes... icky.  I don't know if there's a better word to describe this taste in my mouth.  I could brush all day long, and it would still be there.  It's a side-effect of ketosis, but it's gross.  I hope that goes away soon, too.

As I mentioned previously, my son's first birthday is coming up.  I'm feverishly planning his party and buying things little by little.  So now, in addition to the scrumptious cotton candy on my counter, I have cake mix (for his cupcakes that I'm going to personally make... sorry, friends and family) and candy-like cupcake sprinkles from that dude on TV.  No, not the Cake Boss.  The other one.  Hell if I remember his name. 

Operation keep away from the kid's birthday party supplies continues...

Friday, July 6, 2012

Flu? No way, man.

It's true, I'm in the thick of it.  I've come to the segment of the low-carbing diet known as Induction Flu.  Just when you think you're doing phenomenally and you can kick the excess weight's ass, it's like the dieting Gods are looking down on you and laughing, while muttering, "Hah!  Yeah right, douche.  You have to suffer through this just like the rest of them."  Well played, dieting Gods, well played.

While I'm on the bitching wagon, can I just tell you about the obstacles in my own house that I have to overcome?  Well, my son's first birthday is coming up (holy shit, WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN?), so I've been stocking up on goodies for his circus-themed bash.  On my counter are sixteen, count 'em sixteen, containers of cotton candy.  What torturous hell is this?  I love cotton candy.  The way it melts, the way it tastes of little clouds of sugary heaven.  Love it.  Fuck circuses and how well-known it is that they have cotton candy.  Seriously.

And on that note, I leave you with this.  A photo of my current nemesis.  Salivate if you must, but wipe up after yourself.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Okay, so I lied.

Yup, that's right.  I lied.  I'm a big fat (literally) liar.  I said that I was going to do this whole weight loss thing on my own.  I was going to wing it and just learn to eat better without the assistance of a program.  That lasted about a week before I realized I may need some kind of structure. 

That's probably why there's such a large gap between my last post and now.  Nearly a month.  Yikes.

I've decided to do low carb dieting again.  I hesitate to say Atkins, because I'm not truly counting the number of carbs I consume, so I can't guarantee that they are under twenty grams and I don't expect to not have a treat once in a while.  My carb intake has been greatly lowered, though.  I started on Monday, so it's still a fairly new venture.

I weighed myself today.  I know it's too soon to see accurate results from weight loss after a whole three days of dieting (I wish!), but my scale says I'm already down 4.6 pounds!  If that's true, I might have a love affair with my scale (don't tell my husband).  Even if it's not completely accurate, it's motivation to keep going.  To keep pressing forward even when all I want to do is partake in the act of crunching on some Doritos or drinking a margarita with my friends.  What's that saying?  "Nothing tastes as good as thin (I like to say being healthy) feels?"  I wouldn't know, but I'd love to find out.